Wycliffe Gordon


Wycliffe Gordon

A gifted trombonist, conductor, composer and arranger, world-renowned musician Wycliffe Gordon grew up in Waynesboro, Georgia in the United States. He was musically influenced at a young age by his father, Lucius Gordon, a classical pianist and teacher. His musical prowess has been captured on numerous recordings, including thirteen solo albums with the Wycliffe Gordon Quartet and seven co-leader albums. With a popular following and a loyal following, Wycliffe has won scores of awards, including the Trombonist of the Year Award from the Jazz Journalists Association, which he has won five times. He is a former veteran member of the Wynton Marsalis Septet, Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra and has been a featured guest artist on Billy Taylor's "Jazz at the Kennedy Center" Series. Wycliffe's extensive performance experience includes work with many of the most renowned jazz performers of the past and present. Gordon is rapidly becoming one of America's most persuasive and committed music educators, and currently serves on the faculty of the Jazz Arts Program at Manhattan School of Music. His work with young musicians and audiences from elementary schools to universities all over the world is extensive, and includes master classes, clinics, workshops, children's concerts and lectures. Wycliffe is widely respected for his powerful sound, distinctive techniques and funky performance style, all factors which make him one of the world's most popular trombonists.

Nobuya Sugawa

Нобуя Сугава (Nobuya Sugawa)

Nobuya Sugawa is an internationally acclaimed saxophonist whom Japan is very much proud of. He has assumed a role of the concert master of Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra for almost 22 years from 1989 through 2010. Currently along with the activities as a soloist, he performs as a member of Trouvère Quartet. He also serves as the resident conductor of Yamaha Symphonic Band, and is a visiting professor of Tokyo University of Arts.

Phil Woods

Фил Вудс (Phil Woods)

При упоминании имени Фила Вудса большинство поклонников джаза представляют обжигающее горячее звучание и напряженный захватывающий ритмический пульс, а также импровизации, которые цепляют слушателей и никогда не отпускают. Он играет на альт-саксофоне и кларнете, являясь продолжателем традиций Чарли Паркера, Бенни Картера и Джонни Ходжеса.