Attitude’s low-end is powerful and bold, yet tight and controlled. The highs are clear and musical and the mid drives with a power rarely heard. The latest technology, including our spline jointed body and exclusive ARE and IRA wood treatments together with newly designed pickups and a totally reworked neck joint make this bass something else. And with Billy’s involvement every step of
the way, playability is like no other guitar. It’s clearly an Attitude, but it’s an Attitude like you’ve never heard it before.
Легендарная модель Билли Шихэна обрела вторую жизнь. Attitude Limited 3 выполнена полностью вручную на фабрике Yamaha Music Craft, расположенной в Японии, и обладает знаменитым звучанием гитары Шихэна. Вы можете выбрать эффектный синий (Sonic Blue) или классический чёрный (Attitude Classic Black) цвет.
- Yamaha Designed DiMarzio Woofer Pickup and DiMarzio WillPower Pickup
- Spline Joint 3-Piece body
- Miter Bolting Neck Joint
- A.R.E. and I.R.A. treatment
- Колки Hipshot «D» Tuner
- Изготовлено в Японии