iOS Apps

Drum Lessons

This iApp uses video to teach the basics of drumming and demonstrate how the DTX400 series can help anyone to get started playing the drums
Features | KIT DEMOS Listen to the DTX400 with a live band! |
GETTING STARTED Mix the drums, freely adjust the tempo and loop a difficult section of the song |
NEW SONGS Videos basics from holding the sticks to playing a fill-in! |
TRAINING FUNCTIONS See how the 10 training functions of the DTX400 can make you a better drummer! |
Price Free (charge for MIDI data) |
Standalone No |
Device iPhone / iPod touch / iPad |
Song Beats

This iApp shows you how to play the drum beats to MIDIsongs purchased within the application. (10 demo songsare included. An i-UX1 is necessary for grading)
Features | VISUALIZE THE BEAT The glowing rings indicate which drum to strike in realtime Mute / Solo the drums and test your skill |
MIX IT UP Mix the drums, freely adjust the tempo and loop a difficult section of the song |
NEW SONGS Access hundreds of MIDI songs in the built-in shop Import your own MIDI songs with iTunes file sharing |
Price Free (charge for MIDI data) |
Standalone No |
Device iPhone / iPod touch / iPad |
Demo Movie1
Demo Movie2
DTX400 Touch

Edit the DTX400 by connecting the i-UX1 or Camera Connector. Access the basicsetup and detailed parameters with your touch screen interface.
Features | CREATE CUSTOM KITS Choose any of the ten DTX400 kits Edit voice, pitch (app only), and other parameters |
EDIT TEMPO Set and display the Tempo |
OS UPGRADES Update DTX400 firmware when released |
Price Free |
Standalone No |
Device iPhone / iPod touch / iPad |